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Collection Development

So second week into my 7th quarter at FIDM. This is my 2nd to last quarter, with that said I am taking all my hard graduating classes. Some new teachers and some I have grown a relationship with and will never forget. The best thing about your graduating classes is that you have free range with your creativity. Your teachers are mainly there to coach you through your creative process. My collection development class is by far my favorite! When I am designing garments I have a passion about creating I tend to be able to knock them out. The whole outcome of this class is to create three full garments or more. I'm doing pretty good on my timing and I believe I can do at least five to six garments. I already have two in the works and had the first fitting today. My whole collection got inspired by Spring 2017 and the song "Mad Hatter" by Melanie Martinez. I loved this idea of being inside the creators mind, that is exactly where I want to take my collection. Take my viewers on this journey through my garments between solf, sweet silhouettes and hard structured, origami pieces that causes to trick the mind.

"Over the bend entirely bonkers

you like me best when I'm off my rocker

tell you a secret I'm not alarmed

so what if I'm crazy the best people are"

This song is all about her taking the risk by doing what she wants and not worrying about the possible outcomes or what people might think... soon becoming the Mad Hatter!

I am the Mad Hatter of my collection.

First fitting went great! Really excitied how this top came out! Only more to come...

This is my 1st mock up in muslin


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