Back at it

It was the first day of my 8th quarter... even though I feel like I live here. But I'm so excited because this quarter I only have 3 GED classes (no sweat!) and then I graduate in June!!
So close to the finish line that my teacher hasn't even introduced herself and I already have senioritis....doesn't help that my first class at 8AM is American Political & Economic History. I'm having horrible flash backs to high school.
Anyways, on a lighter note my next class today is Survey of Western Art II with Meyer. If you want to stay awake in this class you have to take Meyer. He has such a passion for what he teaches!... not to mentions his study guides relieve so much stress when it comes to finals.

My 3rd class is Critical Thinking with Willgues. She has hot pink hair and is a comedian (and I'm not just saying she's funny..she actually does stand up!). This should make class quite interesting. I'm not worried about that class.