I know I'm posting this super late! Graduation was on Monday (June 20th) but I have been taking this time to spend with amazing friends and family. I work a ton so I haven't had the pleasure in seeing all of them in a long time.
Graduation was so much fun!! minus the heat! of course it was on the hottest day of the week (110). Luckily, graduation took place in the Staple Center and the AC was on. The sitting situation was up to you long as you sat with people in your major. So no shocker DJ, Yasi, David, CJ, Hannah, Vian, and I all sat together. Our whole section was such a riot we all had so much fun! These pictures tell it all! We were all so proud!
We have been all on this long journey together and now I am starting a new one with DJ, Yasi, and CJ apart of the Debut advanced program.