Interview Ready??
Today is... January 24, 2016 So I heard back from that internship I applied to after New Years. They emailed me to have an interview with them so I emailed them back my availability. However, I have not heard back since then. It's been only 2 days but I tend to get impatient.
So... typical impatient me I began to apply to other opportunities (freelance work, internships, and part-time jobs). Most times being "impatient" is seen as a negative thing; however, I'm here to tell you it's definitely not a negative thing when you're hungry for the industry. I work as a tour guide for FIDM part-time, which is great but it's not a career. I do a ton of internships and freelance work on the side but I am looking for something a little more this time around. I'm in my 7th quarter and I have a serious craving for my next step to further myself in the industry. I came across this opportunity to be an assistant to the CEO of Andrea for the bride, her name is Samantha. She's also the one of designer for her company and handles some high-end clients. I sent her my resume not really expecting much to come from it. To my surprise in less than 24 hours I had received an email from Samantha Elizabeth Popa herself, asking for my availability for an interview this week. Easy to say I was in shock...but excited...but nervous.. All at the same time. The first thought that ran through my head is "can I handle this? Between being a full time student, working with MODE Magazine at FIDM, being a tour guide, doing freelance work and still have time to for a social life???....and still have all that with this new part time job opportunity." I thought for a minute then realized I have so much to learn in the industry and I can sleep when I'm dead. No question I replied with all my availabilities for that week.
4 days later..
I was getting worried that I hadn't hear back from either company. Just when I started to doubt the possible outcomes I received an email from Samantha scheduling me for an interview on Thursday (January 28th). You can imagine my relief and excitement. So this Thursday I will be running around between school, Beverly Hills, and home. (Better wear my comfy heels!)

- Have a stong, clean resume
- Dress for the job (have an understanding for what they are looking for)
- Bring 5 resume copies on every interview. (never know who they might send you to meet)
- Bring business cards
-Bring 2 pens (one pen always stops working when you need it)
- Remember your wallet with CASH and CARD because you never know about parking (if it's anything like LA)
- Keep make-up simple
- Bring portfolio (if needed)