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Livining with Fun House Mirrors

As a little girl we are always told "you are beautiful the way you are" and we have no care in what category the world might be putting us in. At what age do we look in the mirror and see every flaw in what we look like. We act like we have to walk this fine line between what the world expects from us and who we truly are.

The world talks about this "be who you are" movement. However, I see it everyday with models trying to diet to get that top spot in a show, companies needing a pretty face to sale a product, or women wanting the perfect stomach lines and butt "to get a good man"...

What most of the world doesn't see is half the time the models don't even look like that and the outfits don't fit like that. There are so many tricks we pull in the industry like we pin back garments and use photoshop like it's going out of style.

Most of the models that get picked are very unique looking and photograph extremely well. The exact things they hate about themselves because it does not seem "average", is usually the reason the camera falls in love with them.

The exact things you stand and criticize about yourself in the mirror might be the exact thing someone admires about you or finds most attractive about you.

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