Debut Interview!
I have my debut interview (advanced program at FIDM) tomorrow and I couldn't be filled with more emotions! I'm anxious!..but also nervous! Debut is what I've been looking forward to since I started at FIDM. This interview is my chance to nail it and get into the program.
Oh, did I meantion the interview is only 20min?!?! Yeah! I have 20mins to sell myself, my skills as a creative designer, technical designer, and in all that show what sets me a part. I know to some this sounds dramatic and not that big of a deal, but only 10-12 students get chosen out of the 100+ applicants. Not to meantion the huge exposure you receive from the show.
Honestly, this opportunity will really verify for me that all the hard work I've put into my career and becoming a strong designer is worth it. However, I promised myself if I dont make it into the program I will not doubt myself as a designer. Everything happens for a reason..
I have been prepping for months to make sure I have everything ready in a professional way.
- Business cards
- Small flyer (leave behind)
- My garments perfected and picked out to show
- Tech packs
- Line sheets
- Inspiration journal
- Update resume
- Patterns (manilla)
- Look book
- My ideas for my collection if I got accepted into the program